Project Information

What is Elevate BUR?

Elevate BUR is a new, safer, modern, and more convenient passenger terminal under construction at Hollywood Burbank Airport.

The project includes airfield improvements, with added distance between the terminal and runways; a new parking garage; a new airline support facility; and connectivity enhancements to the regional transit network.


Why is the project needed?

Hollywood Burbank Airport has been operating since 1930. Operationally, the existing passenger terminal building needs numerous upgrades to meet current standards for safety and facility configuration.

Elevate BUR will provide a passenger terminal that meets all current FAA standards and building code requirements. It will also improve utilization and operational efficiency of the passenger terminal building.


Who is spearheading Elevate BUR?

The Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority (BGPAA) is working with the community and neighboring cities to build Elevate BUR.

Jacobs is providing project management services for Elevate BUR. The Design-Build project is led by Holder, Pankow, TEC, Joint Venture (HPTJV), with Corgan providing architectural services for the project in association with CannonDesign.


How much does the project cost and how is it funded?

The estimated project cost is $1.2 billion. Elevate BUR is to be funded through:

  • Applicable federal airport improvement grants
  • Passenger Facility Charge revenues
  • Airport Authority funds
  • The Authority’s issuance of General Airport Revenue Bonds
  • A pledge of airport revenues

The airlines serving the airport will pay rates, fees, and charges equal to the remaining requirement after the consideration of annual debt payments, operating expenses, and revenues generated from the nonairline related businesses operating at the airport.

Nonairline sources of revenue to offset the cost of debt will be from users of the Airport such as concessionaires, hangar tenants, and parking fees.

No state, county, or local funds from the tri-cities of Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena will be used to pay for the project.


What are the primary design components of Elevate BUR?

Unveiled in 2023, the new terminal design concept is known as the “Icon,” inspired by the glitz and glamour of Hollywood and film industry’s roots. It was selected based on community feedback, including comments from a public survey, design charrettes, and the BGPAA’s agreement with the City of Burbank. You can view available renderings of Elevate BUR here.


The new terminal will include:

  • Airfield improvements – including added distance between the terminal and runways
  • A new parking garage
  • A new airline support facility
  • Connectivity improvements to the regional transit network

The new terminal is designed to achieve a minimum of LEED Silver certification.


What are some of the features planned for Elevate BUR?

Elevate BUR will provide greater user amenities that will elevate the airport experience without expanding the current airport footprint. Some features of the new terminal will include:

  • Variety of options for shopping and dining
  • New ticketing lobby, airline check-in, and baggage drop-off facilities
  • Wider corridors and more spacious waiting areas
  • Updated Transportation Security Administration (TSA) passenger checkpoints
  • A 45,900-square-foot aircraft parking area for boarding and deplaning
  • Improved baggage security screening and processing
  • Adequate space for airline administrative, bag service, and ticket offices
  • Fully integrated designs for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility


What access and safety improvements are being made?

The design of the new facility includes added distance between airport runways and the terminal building. It also includes updates to meet current earthquake design and ADA accessibility standards. For passengers, we’re including a 45,900-square-foot aircraft parking area for boarding and deplaning, a new parking structure with EV charging, and a new on-airport access road.

Has there been community outreach and public input on Elevate BUR?

There have been several opportunities for the public to share their views about the future of Hollywood Burbank Airport and Elevate BUR, including public workshops; presentations to the City Councils of Burbank, Glendale, and Pasadena; regional organizations; and with key opinion leaders during the environmental review process.

In 2012, the Airport Authority commissioned a public opinion survey, conducted by Goodwin Simon Strategic Research, which included focus groups, telephone interviews of more than 1,000 randomly selected individuals, and an online survey open to the public.

The Airport Authority also held six public charrettes in the City of Burbank in 2019 to discuss the elements of Elevate BUR and the new parking structures. The content of those charrettes can be accessed here.

We are committed to continuing public outreach as the project moves through the construction phase and beyond.


What is the project status and anticipated timeline?

Preliminary construction activities started in December 2023 and the new passenger terminal is scheduled to open late 2026.


How can I stay updated on the project?

You can sign up to receive email updates on the project here.

Information on construction activities will be available on elevatebur.com and notifications will be sent to nearby residents and businesses. The public can also call (818) 306-3028, 24 hours a day, for any questions regarding construction.



Is the airport open during construction?

The airport will remain fully operational during project construction. There are no expected impacts to airport roadways or other passenger services.


How long is construction expected to last?

Construction is expected to last approximately two and a half years from December 2023 through October 2026. Demolition of the old terminal will begin in late 2026 once the new terminal is operational and will last approximately nine months.


What are the hours of construction?

Construction will take place Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Occasionally, certain construction activities will require us to perform work outside of these hours; in those cases, we will pursue all necessary permits and permissions from the City of Burbank and will notify impacted stakeholders.


When construction is complete, will traffic routes to and from the airport change?

When the new terminal opens, the main entrance to the airport will be off Winona Ave. Currently, the main airport entrance is off Thornton Ave.


How can we keep track of what’s going on at the Airport?
The easiest way is to visit the Airport website. The Airport Authority also webcasts its regular meetings and posts them for replay. The public is also invited to subscribe to the Airport Authority’s e-newsletter, and to follow the Airport on social media, including Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and LinkedIn.




Where will Elevate BUR be located?

The new terminal is being built on a parcel of land north of the current terminal and adjacent to San Fernando Road and N Hollywood Way. The main entrance to the new terminal will be at Winona and Hollywood Way.

Will there be any changes to the Rental Car Center or airport parking?

The Regional Intermodal Transit Center (RITC), which includes the rental car center, will remain in its current location. There will be shuttles that run between the RITC and the new terminal. There will be a new parking garage adjacent to the new terminal; the parking garage will open with the new terminal.


Will Elevate BUR be larger than the current terminal?

Elevate BUR will have two levels and a basement, like the existing terminal, but will have more space for a total of 355,000 square feet to accommodate more modern amenities around the 14 gates.


Will the new terminal be more accessible and ADA compliant?
The new terminal will comply with the current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations and provide the maximum amount of accessibility.


Will the new terminal impact flight operations?

The new terminal will not change how aircraft currently operate. Elevate BUR is a safety project, not a capacity expansion project. The new terminal will have the same number of gates and is designed to serve the same size aircraft as the current passenger terminal.

Will there be public transit access to the new terminal?

Yes. The Airport provides shuttles from both the Burbank Airport-South Train Station and the Burbank Airport-North Station. Shuttle service will also be provided between the stations and the new terminal.

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